Admin Panel
You can easily manage the content on your site without having to learn any programming languages.
Website Hosting
Your site is safe at ReliantWeb! We offer a complete range of services for hosting your business on the Internet. With redundant servers running Linux, we're able to provide the flexibility of a typical "megahost" while offering personalized service and direct-to-human contact.
When shopping for a company to host your site, ask a few key questions:
- Do they really own their servers, or are they really just re-selling leased space for another company?
- Are they able to implement special-needs server functionality, if your site requires it?
- Will you be able to readily contact a knowledgeable person in a pinch?
Primary servers are located at a major Internet Service Provider in Houston, TX.
Fast Connection
Minimum 4,096 megabit/second UP and DOWN on primary connection, minimum 2,560 megabit/second UP and DOWN on backup connection.
Nightly local backups, and weekly backups scheduled to a secure off-site location.
Power Outages
All servers are backed up by generators in case of power outages.
Operating Systems
All hosting is done on a Linux/Apache environment.